After stopping to look at waders I decided to search the surronding scrub for Southern Emu-wrens. Literally 10 seconds later I had one staring at me from inside a bush! It was extremely difficult to get photos as they simply will not sit still for a second but it was fun trying.
It was a stand off..... He watched us as we watched him!
We waited and waited but he would not come out!
The most common view as he flew between bushes
It was then onto Salt Creek and a walk in the late afternoon produced crippling views of a pair of malleefowl working their mound.
A flock of Beautiful Firetail appeared during a walk in the late afternoon but the poor light did little to assist in photographing them.
Musk Duck
Yellow-rumped Thornbill
Great-creasted Grebe
Little Black Cormorants
Singing Honeyeater