I decided to spend a weekend at Lake Gilles Conservation Park, the lovely Mallee habitat just draws me in like a magnet, not to mention I can spend days there without seeing another person! The weather was cool, but sadly cloudy which was not helpful for photography. Everything was fresh after the large rainfalls earlier in the week and a lot of salt bush was literally under water between Port Augusta and Iron Knob.
Here are a few photos taken over the weekend.
Australian Painted Lady
Chirruping Wedgebill
Bearded Dragon
Chirruping Wedgebill
Variegated Fairy-wren
Lake Gilles
Golden Whistler
Large black Wasp, hunting on a log, I presume this is a Spider Wasp
Lesser Wanderer
Red-capped Robin
Southern Whiteface
Varied Sitella
Western Yellow Robin
White-eared Honeyeater