I've only been out birding a few times in the past month, dodging the hot summer weather!
Here are a few pics for you to enjoy taken during those few outings here in South Australia.
Tau Emerald
Tau Emerald
Tau Emerald
Australasian Pipit
Black Kite
Black Kite
Dusky Woodswallow
Elegant Parrot
Grey Plover
Grey Plover
Grey-tailed Tattler
Ruddy Turnstone
Spotted Harrier
Welcome Swallow
Pacific Black Duck
Spotted Crake
Yellow Spoonbill
Spotless Crake
Buff-banded Rail
Crested Tern
Crested Tern
White-faced Heron
Yellow Spoonbill
Spotless Crake
Australian Sea-lion
Latham Snipe
Spotless Crake
Spotless Crake